January 18, 2025 

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LIMITED LIABILITY: A condition in which owners are not personally held responsible for the debts of by a firm. Corporations are the main form of business in which owners have limited liability. The primary benefit of limited liability is that it makes it possible for a business to accumulate large amounts of productive resources that lets it take advantage of large scale production.

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RECESSIONARY GAP, KEYNESIAN MODEL: The difference between equilibrium aggregate production achieved in the Keynesian model and full-employment aggregate production that occurs when equilibrium aggregate production is less than full-employment aggregate production. A recessionary gap, also termed a contractionary gap, is associated with a business-cycle contraction. The prescribed Keynesian remedy for a recessionary gap is expansionary fiscal policy. This is one of two alternative output gaps that can occur when equilibrium generates production that differs from full employment. The other is an inflationary gap.

     See also | recessionary gap | inflationary gap, Keynesian model | Keynesian model | Keynesian equilibrium | two-sector Keynesian model | three-sector Keynesian model | four-sector Keynesian model | Keynesian disequilibrium | injections-leakages model | multiplier | fiscal policy | expansionary fiscal policy | contractionary fiscal policy |

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RECESSIONARY GAP, KEYNESIAN MODEL, AmosWEB GLOSS*arama,, AmosWEB LLC, 2000-2025. [Accessed: January 18, 2025].

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WEB*pedia: recessionary gap, Keynesian model

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A fundamental philosophical viewpoint that the private sector (households and businesses) needs to be closely supervised by the public sector (government). In other words, members of society need to be watched over, cared for, and kept out of trouble, like parents watch over, care for, and keep their children out of trouble.

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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time flipping through the yellow pages wanting to buy either a half-dozen helium filled balloons or a packet of address labels large enough for addresses of both the sender and the recipient. Be on the lookout for rusty deck screws.
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Only 1% of the U.S. population paid income taxes when the income tax was established in 1914.
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."

-- Mark Twain

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