OPEN MARKET: A market, not unlike that stock market, that trades the U.S. Treasury securities that comprises the federal debt. U.S. Treasury securities are low risk and extremely secure financial instruments that are held by all sorts of investors, especially commercial banks. The Federal Reserve System is also a major holder of U.S. Treasury securities and participant in the open market. In fact, the Federal Reserve System used buying and selling of U.S. Treasury securities through the open market as a means of controlling the money, through what is appropriately termed open market operations.
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Lesson Contents
Unit 1: The Method |
Unit 2: Theory |
Unit 3: Verification |
Unit 4: Science and Practice |
Unit 5: Cause and Effect |
Economic Science
In this lesson you'll see why and how the scientific method is a process of discovery. You'll see that it's a process of building theories to explain the workings of the world (the economy) by proposing then testing hypotheses. The five units making up this lesson will guide you through the basics of the scientific method and how it's used in the study of economics. - The first unit introduces the scientific method, especially its' four key components -- theories, principles, hypothesis, and data.
- The second unit then takes a closer look at theories, including the central role played by abstraction.
- In the third unit, we will focus on the process of verification -- how and why hypothesized relationships about the workings of the economy are compared with actual data.
- We then turn out attention to a simple example of how the scientific method is used to test a hypothesized relation between course grades and where students are seated in a classroom.
- The fifth and final unit in this lesson examines the role that cause and effect plays in the scientific method and economic science.
AVERAGE PRODUCT CURVE A curve that graphically illustrates the relation between average product and the quantity of the variable input, holding all other inputs fixed. This curve indicates the per unit output at each level of the variable input. The average product curve is one of three related curves used in the analysis of the short-run production of a firm. The other two are total product curve and marginal product curve.
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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time flipping through mail order catalogs wanting to buy either a case for your designer sunglasses or arch supports for your shoes. Be on the lookout for mail order catalogs with hidden messages. Your Complete Scope
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A communal society, a prime component of Karl Marx's communist philosophy, was advocated by the Greek philosophy Plato.
"An idea is never given to you without you being given the power to make it reality." -- Richard Bach, Author
QML Quasi-Maximum Likelihood
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