January 25, 2025 

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SHERMAN ACT: The first antitrust law passed in the United States in 1890 that outlawed monopoly or any attempts to monopolize a market. This was one of three major antitrust laws passed in the late 1800s and early 1900s. The other two were the Clayton Act and the Federal Trade Commission Act. The Sherman Act was successfully used to break up several noted monopolies in the early 1900s, including the Standard Oil Trust in 1911. However, it was flawed by (1) vague wording that allowed wide interpretation (especially based on political influence) and (2) the lack of an effective means of enforcement other than an extended journey through the court system. These two flaws led to the Federal Trade Commission Act and Clayton Act, both passed in 1914. Although other laws have been passed, the Sherman Act remains the cornerstone of antitrust laws in the United States.

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Transfer payments from the government sector to the business sector that do not involve current production. This is one component of the official entry government subsidies less current surplus of government enterprises found in the National Income and Product Accounts maintained by the Bureau of Economic Analysis that separates national income (the resource cost of production) and gross (and net) domestic product (the market value of production).

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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time searching for a specialty store wanting to buy either a birthday gift for your mother or a weathervane with a horse on top. Be on the lookout for pencil sharpeners with an attitude.
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In his older years, Andrew Carnegie seldom carried money because he was offended by its sight and touch.
"The creative is the place where no one else has ever been. the You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into wilderness of your intuition. What you'll discover will be wonderful. What you'll discover will be yourself."

-- Alan Alda, Actor

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