September 18, 2024 

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INFLATION PREMIUM: The difference between the nominal interest rate and the real interest rate. The role of the inflation premium is, quite simply, to adjust the interest rate for inflation. The nominal interest rate (the one on the loan contract) includes a real interest rate needed by the lender and a surcharge equal to the expected inflation rate used to maintain the purchasing power of the future payments. This expected inflation rate is the inflation premium.

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An economic institution in which goods, resources, commodities, or other assets (property) are owned and controlled by households and businesses (the private sector) rather than government (the public sector). Private property is a key institution, along with individual freedom and competitive markets, that helps to form the structure of capitalism.
Private property creates critical incentives for the efficient operation of competitive markets used in a market-oriented economy. Under private-property ownership, control over resources is relinquished (that is sold) when owners are compensated for their opportunity cost. Owners have the incentive to sell their assets to the highest bidder, which means resources are being directed to the highest valued uses. This is just the sort of thing that leads to an efficient use of resources.

The alternative to private property is collective ownership of property, also termed common-property goods. This can take the form of direct government ownership, such as public parks or municipal office buildings, in which a specific government entity also has control of the property. Or it can take the form of shared public ownership, such as the oceans or atmosphere, in which every member of society in principle shares ownership, but no one in particular has actual control of the property.


Recommended Citation:

PRIVATE PROPERTY, AmosWEB Encyclonomic WEB*pedia,, AmosWEB LLC, 2000-2024. [Accessed: September 18, 2024].

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