September 9, 2024 

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BIRTH RATE: The number of people born per 1,000 population. The birth rate is compared with the death rate to indicate the natural population growth of a country. (Net migration is also needed in the calculation of the final, overall, actual growth of population.) The birth rate most frequently comes up in economic development discussions of less developed countries and their progress (or lack thereof) through the demographic transition.

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INCOME-PRICE MODEL: An economic model relating the price level (the price part) and real production (the income part) that is used to analyze business cycles, aggregate production, unemployment, inflation, stabilization policies, and related macroeconomic phenomena. The income-price model, inspired by the standard market model, captures the interaction between aggregate demand (the buyers) and short-run and long-run aggregate supply (the sellers).

     See also | aggregate market | AS-AD model | price level | real production | business cycles | macroeconomics | market | aggregate demand | aggregate supply | short-run aggregate market | long-run aggregate market | inflation | unemployment |

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INCOME-PRICE MODEL, AmosWEB GLOSS*arama,, AmosWEB LLC, 2000-2024. [Accessed: September 9, 2024].

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An initial condition or statement of a model or theory that sets the stage for an analysis by abstracting from the real world. Assumptions are important to economic analysis. Some assumptions are used to simplify a complex analysis into more easily manageable parts. Other assumptions are used as control conditions that are subsequently changed to evaluate the consequences.

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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time surfing the Internet wanting to buy either software that won't crash your computer or any book written by Stephan King. Be on the lookout for cardboard boxes.
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The average bank teller loses about $250 every year.
"Do not wait; the time will never be just right "

-- Napoleon Hill, author

Non-Accelerating Inflation Rate of Unemployment
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