September 17, 2024 

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A: The common notation for the "intercept" term of an equation specified as Y = a + bX. Mathematically, the a-intercept term indicates the value of the Y variable when the value of the X variable is equal to zero. Theoretically, the a-intercept is frequently used to indicate exogenous or independent influences on the Y variable, that is, influences that are independent of the X variable. For example, if Y represents consumption and X represents national income, a measures autonomous consumption expenditures.

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BUREAU OF ECONOMIC ANALYSIS: An agency of the U.S. Federal government, specifically a branch of the U.S. Department of Commerce, that compiles and reports a wide range of economic data and measurements. At the top of their list of important economic numbers maintained by what is abbreviated the BEA, is the National Income and Product Accounts, which includes gross domestic product and the broad assortment of related measures of income and production. Economists rely heavily on the BEA to provide data needed to evaluate and analyze the macroeconomy.

     See also | National Income and Product Accounts | gross domestic product | national income |

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BUREAU OF ECONOMIC ANALYSIS, AmosWEB GLOSS*arama,, AmosWEB LLC, 2000-2024. [Accessed: September 17, 2024].

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WEB*pedia: Bureau of Economic Analysis

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A public choice principle stating that the median voter, the voter with an equal number of votes on either side, determines the outcome of an election by determining which side receives the majority. The preferences of this median vote, thus become the most important preferences addressed by candidates running for election. However, the median voter's preferences might not generate was is best, that is, efficient, for society. Other related voting problems identified by the study of public choice includes the voting paradox, logrolling, and voter apathy (due to rational ignorance and rational abstention).

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