January 14, 2025 

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SECOND-DEGREE PRICE DISCRIMINATION: A form of price discrimination in which a seller charges the different prices for different quantities of a good. This also goes by the name block pricing. This is possible because the different quantities are purchased by different types of buyers with different demand elasticities. This is one of three price discrimination degrees. The others are first-degree price discrimination and third-degree price discrimination.

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GENERAL AGREEMENT ON TARIFFS AND TRADE: A treaty, signed in 1947 by 23 countries including the United States, that was designed to reduce trade barriers. It now carries the signatures of about 100 countries and over the years has been pretty darn effective in reducing tariffs, eliminating some import quotas, and promoting commerce.

     See also | foreign trade | free trade | trade barriers | tariff | quota | most-favored nation | World Trade Organization |

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GENERAL AGREEMENT ON TARIFFS AND TRADE, AmosWEB GLOSS*arama,, AmosWEB LLC, 2000-2025. [Accessed: January 14, 2025].

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One of several specific aggregate supply determinants assumed constant when the aggregate supply curves (both long run and short run) are constructed, and which shifts the aggregate supply curves when it changes. An increase in the capital stock causes an increase (rightward shift) of both aggregate supply curves. A decrease in the capital stock causes a decrease (leftward shift) of both aggregate supply curves. Other notable aggregate supply determinants include the technology, energy prices, and the wages. Capital stock comes under the resource quantity aggregate supply determinant.

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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time watching infomercials looking to buy either a coffee cup commemorating the 1960 Presidential election or a how-to book on fixing your computer, with illustrations. Be on the lookout for celebrities who speak directly to you through your television.
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The New York Stock Exchange was established by a group of investors in New York City in 1817 under a buttonwood tree at the end of a little road named Wall Street.
"You don't have to be a fantastic hero to do certain things - to compete. You can be just an ordinary chap, sufficiently motivated to reach challenging goals."

-- Sir Edmund Hillary, Explorer

National Economic Development Council
A PEDestrian's Guide
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