September 19, 2024 

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FEDERAL SURPLUS: The difference between federal government spending and taxes when taxes are greater than spending.

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ECONOMIC COST: Another term for opportunity cost (the highest valued alternative foregone in the pursuit of an activity) that is used in the study of economics to indicate the fundamental role opportunity cost plays in economics. The value expressed in terms of satisfaction of the foregone activity is your opportunity cost. Because there are usually several alternatives that aren't pursued, opportunity cost is the highest-valued one. An opportunity cost is sometimes compensated with some form of payment, like a wage. However, the existence of an opportunity cost is independent of any actual cash outlay.

     See also | cost | opportunity cost | economics | accounting cost | value | satisfaction |

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ECONOMIC COST, AmosWEB GLOSS*arama,, AmosWEB LLC, 2000-2024. [Accessed: September 19, 2024].

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Markets that exchange financial instruments, or the legal claims to the ownership of physical assets. All four sectors--household, business, government, and foreign operate on both the demand and supply sides of financial markets. The household sector is generally a net buyer of legal claims as it saves a portion of income. The business and government sector tend to be net sellers as they borrow the funds used to pay for expenditures. The study of macroeconomics is concerned with how the flow of income through financial markets affects short-run business-cycle instability and long-run economic growth. The financial markets are one of three primary sets of macroeconomic markets. The other two are product markets and resource markets.

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A communal society, a prime component of Karl Marx's communist philosophy, was advocated by the Greek philosophy Plato.
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