January 26, 2025 

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SIMPLE EXPENDITURE MULTIPLIER: The ratio of the change in aggregate output (or gross domestic product) to an autonomous change in an aggregate expenditure (consumption expenditures, investment expenditures, government purchases, or net exports) when consumption is the only induced expenditure. This is the least complicated expenditure multiplier possible, based exclusively on induced consumption, and is the inverse of the marginal propensity to save. This simple multiplier becomes more complicated by adding other induced expenditures.

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SATISFACTION: The process of successfully fulfilling wants and needs. A basic fact of life is that people want and need stuff to stay alive and to make that life more enjoyable. Satisfaction is the economic term that captures this wants-and-needs-fulfilling process. Satisfying wants and needs is actually the ultimate goal of economic activity, the end result of addressing the fundamental problem of scarcity, and, when you get right down to it, life itself.

     See also | wants | needs | scarcity | economics | unlimited wants and needs | limited resources | resources | value | utility |

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SATISFACTION, AmosWEB GLOSS*arama,, AmosWEB LLC, 2000-2025. [Accessed: January 26, 2025].

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The total market value, measured in constant prices, of all goods and services produced within the political boundaries of an economy during a given period of time, usually one year. The key is that real gross domestic product is measured in constant prices, the prices for a specific base year. Real gross domestic product, also termed constant gross domestic product, adjusts gross domestic product for inflation. A contrasting measure is nominal gross domestic product, which does not adjust for inflation.

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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time touring the new suburban shopping complex trying to buy either a half-dozen helium filled balloons or a packet of address labels large enough for addresses of both the sender and the recipient. Be on the lookout for empty parking spaces that appear to be near the entrance to a store.
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A lump of pure gold the size of a matchbox can be flattened into a sheet the size of a tennis court!
"It has been my philosophy of life that difficulties vanish when faced boldly. "

-- Isaac Asimov

Bell Journal of Economics
A PEDestrian's Guide
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