AGGREGATE OUTPUT: The macroeconomy's total production of final goods and services. You might recognized it by it's official term gross domestic product. Another related term is aggregate supply. This is the total production in the economy that is purchased by the four basic economic sectors -- household, business, government, and foreign. See also aggregate market, aggregate demand, aggregate expenditures.
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LOGROLLING: A systematic exchange of votes by politicians to obtain approval of specific legislation. That is, Senator Grapht agrees to vote for Senator Brybe's pet project if Senator Brybe votes for Senator Grapht's favorite piece of legislation. Such logrolling can be explicit or implicit. The explicit kind involves two separate bills, in which each politician is forced to "go on record" with a vote. The implicit kind, which many politicians favor, is where several separate programs are wrapped into a single bill. Every politician can then tell the folks back home that they really only wanted the "one thing" that helped their constituencies the most, but had to vote for "other things" as well. Logrolling is big reason our government is big and prone to inefficiency. See also | public choice | principal-agent problem | efficiency | fifth rule of imperfection |  Recommended Citation:LOGROLLING, AmosWEB GLOSS*arama, http://www.AmosWEB.com, AmosWEB LLC, 2000-2025. [Accessed: February 15, 2025]. AmosWEB Encyclonomic WEB*pedia:Additional information on this term can be found at: WEB*pedia: logrolling
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BANK RESERVES Assets used by banks to back up deposits and to conduct daily transactions, including withdrawing funds, "cashing" checks, and transferring funds between banks to "clear" checks. Reserves, also termed bank reserves or legal reserves, includes two types of assets: vault cash and Federal Reserve deposits. These legal reserves are then divided between require reserves and excess reserves. Required reserves are used to back up deposits and excess reserves are used for loans.
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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time flipping through mail order catalogs wanting to buy either a case for your designer sunglasses or arch supports for your shoes. Be on the lookout for mail order catalogs with hidden messages. Your Complete Scope
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Woodrow Wilson's portrait adorned the $100,000 bill that was removed from circulation in 1929. Woodrow Wilson was removed from circulation in 1924.
"An idea is never given to you without you being given the power to make it reality." -- Richard Bach, Author
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