MANAGED FLOAT: An exchange rate that (like a floating exchange rate) is free to move up and down, but is subject to government control (like a fixed exchange rate) if it moves beyond certain boundaries. With managed float, the government steps into the foreign exchange market and buys or and sells whatever currency is necessary keep the exchange rate within desired limits. The logic behind managed float is that an unrestricted movement of exchange rates is usually pretty healthy, but serious problems in the balance of payment and balance of trade result if it floats too far in either direction.
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                           VERY SHORT RUN, MICROECONOMICS: A production period of time in which at all inputs in the production process are fixed, meaning the quantity of output itself is fixed. Also termed market period, the very short run exists if the period is so short that no additional production is possible. In other words, the good has been produced, all that remains is to sell it. This is one of four production time periods used in the study of microeconomics. The other three are short run, long run, and very long run. The very short run is a production time period that is so short that a firm is unable to change the quantities of any input, that is, there are no variable inputs. With no variable inputs, the firm is unable to change the quantity of output. The primary task of the firm is to sell the output that has been produced.The best examples of the very short run market period come from the farming industry. Giving the length of a growing season, once crops are harvested, output is fixed, inputs are fixed, and the only task at hand is to sell the output in the market. Farmers cannot change the quantity of inputs after harvest to produce any more output. Depending on the particular crop, the market period for farming can last anywhere from a few months to a year. The market periods for other types of production have shorter or longer time frames. A newspaper, such as the Shady Valley Daily Gazette Journal Record, for example, prints up a stack of papers early in the morning that it sells to the news-hungry public throughout the day. When the presses stop running and the papers hit the news-stands, the output quantity does not change. The market period for newspapers is something less than a day.
 Recommended Citation:VERY SHORT RUN, MICROECONOMICS, AmosWEB Encyclonomic WEB*pedia, http://www.AmosWEB.com, AmosWEB LLC, 2000-2025. [Accessed: February 8, 2025]. Check Out These Related Terms... | | | | | | | | Or For A Little Background... | | | | | | | | | | | | | | And For Further Study... | | | | | | | | | | | | |
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