LOGROLLING: A systematic exchange of votes by politicians to obtain approval of specific legislation. That is, Senator Grapht agrees to vote for Senator Brybe's pet project if Senator Brybe votes for Senator Grapht's favorite piece of legislation. Such logrolling can be explicit or implicit. The explicit kind involves two separate bills, in which each politician is forced to "go on record" with a vote. The implicit kind, which many politicians favor, is where several separate programs are wrapped into a single bill. Every politician can then tell the folks back home that they really only wanted the "one thing" that helped their constituencies the most, but had to vote for "other things" as well. Logrolling is big reason our government is big and prone to inefficiency.
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                           AVERAGE REVENUE PRODUCT CURVE: A curve that graphically illustrates the relation between average revenue product and the quantity of the variable input, holding all other inputs fixed. This curve indicates the per unit revenue at each level of the variable input. The average revenue product curve is one of two related curves often used in the analysis of factor demand. The other, and more important, is marginal revenue product curve. The average revenue product curve indicates how average revenue product is related to the quantity of a variable input used in production. While the analysis of factor markets tends to focus on labor as the variable input, a average revenue product curve can be constructed for any input.Average Revenue Product Curve |  | This diagram graphically represents the relation between average revenue product and the variable input. This particular curve is derived from the hourly production of Super Deluxe TexMex Gargantuan Tacos (with sour cream and jalapeno peppers) as Waldo's TexMex Taco World restaurant employs additional workers. The number of workers, measured on the horizontal axis, ranges from 0 to 10 and the average revenue product, measured on the vertical axis, ranges from $0 to $60.The shape of this average revenue product curve is most important. For the first two workers of variable input, average revenue product increases. This is reflected in a positive slope of the average revenue product curve. After the third worker, average revenue product declines. This is seen as a negative slope. While average revenue product continues to decline, it never reaches zero nor becomes negative. To do so requires total revenue to become zero and negative, which just does not happen. The hump-shape of the average revenue product curve is indirectly caused by increasing and decreasing marginal returns. The upward-sloping portion of the average revenue product curve, up to the second worker, is indirectly due to increasing marginal returns. The downward-sloping portion of the average revenue product curve, after the third worker, is indirectly due to decreasing marginal returns. and the law of diminishing marginal returns.
 Recommended Citation:AVERAGE REVENUE PRODUCT CURVE, AmosWEB Encyclonomic WEB*pedia, http://www.AmosWEB.com, AmosWEB LLC, 2000-2025. [Accessed: February 11, 2025]. Check Out These Related Terms... | | | | | | | | | Or For A Little Background... | | | | | | | | | | | | | | And For Further Study... | | | | | | | | | |
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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time strolling around a discount warehouse buying club wanting to buy either a decorative windchime with plastic or a flower arrangement for that special day for your mother. Be on the lookout for pencil sharpeners with an attitude. Your Complete Scope
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In the Middle Ages, pepper was used for bartering, and it was often more valuable and stable in value than gold.
"I can feel guilty about the past, apprehensive about the future, but only in the present can I act." -- Abraham Maslow, Psychologist
LF Labor Force, Laissez-Faire
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