October 21, 2024 

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TR: The abbreviation for total revenue, which is the revenue received by a firm for the sale of its output. Total revenue is one of two parts a firm needs for the calculation of economic profit, the other is total cost. In general, total revenue is the price received for selling a good times the quantity of the good sold at that price. For a perfectly competitive firm, which receives a single unchanging price for all output sold, the calculation is relatively easy. For other real world firms, that charge different prices to different buyers for different quantities, the calculation can be more complex.

Total revenue is very important in the analysis a firm's short-run production decision. Two other revenue measures directly related to total cost are average revenue and marginal revenue. Total revenue is often depicting as the total revenue curve. For a perfectly competitive firm, the total revenue curve is a straight line from the origin. For a monopoly, oligopoly, or monopolistically competitive firm, the total revenue curve is "hump-shaped," increasing at a decreasing rate, reaching a peak, then declining.

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FULL EMPLOYMENT: In principle, this is when all of our economy's resources are being used to produce output. This is one of the five economic goals, specifically one of the three macro goals (the other two are economic growth and stability). In practice, our economy is considered to be at full employment when the unemployment rate is around 5 to 5 1/2 percent and the capacity utilization rate is about 85 percent. This unemployment rate includes structural and frictional unemployment.

     See also | economic goals | macro goals | stability | economic growth | frictional unemployment | structural unemployment | unemployment rate | capacity utilization rate | full-employment budget | full-employment real production |

Recommended Citation:

FULL EMPLOYMENT, AmosWEB GLOSS*arama,, AmosWEB LLC, 2000-2024. [Accessed: October 21, 2024].

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WEB*pedia: full employment

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A shock to the short-run aggregate market caused by an increase in aggregate demand, resulting in and illustrated by a rightward shift of the aggregate demand curve. An increase in aggregate demand in the short-run aggregate market results in an increase in the price level and an increase in real production. The level of real production resulting from the shock can be greater or less than full-employment real production.

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A scripophilist is one who collects rare stock and bond certificates, usually from extinct companies.
"A stumble may prevent a fall. "

-- Margaret Thatcher, British prime minister

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