September 7, 2024 

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TOTAL PRODUCT AND AVERAGE PRODUCT: A graphical connection between total product curve and average product curve stating that the slope of a line between the origin and any point on the total product curve is equal to the average product. Imagine a ray shooting out of the origin and hitting the total product curve. As this ray hits each point on the curve, remaining anchored at the origin, the slope of the ray changes. And the slope of this ray is average product.

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STRUCTURAL UNEMPLOYMENT: Unemployment caused by a mismatch between workers' skills and skills needed for available jobs. Structural unemployment essentially occurs because resources, especially labor, are configured (trained) for a given technology but the economy demands goods and services using another technology. Employers seek workers how have one type of skill and workers who seek employment have a different type of skill. This mismatch in skills, which is largely the result of technological progress, creates unemployment of the structural variety. Structural unemployment is one of four unemployment sources. The other three are cyclical unemployment, seasonal unemployment, and frictional unemployment.

     See also | unemployment | cyclical unemployment | frictional unemployment | seasonal unemployment | unemployment sources | discouraged workers | technology | economic growth | human capital |

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STRUCTURAL UNEMPLOYMENT, AmosWEB GLOSS*arama,, AmosWEB LLC, 2000-2024. [Accessed: September 7, 2024].

AmosWEB Encyclonomic WEB*pedia:

Additional information on this term can be found at:

WEB*pedia: structural unemployment

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One of two (or more) goods that are simultaneously produced using a given resource. A complement-in-production is one of two alternatives falling within the other prices determinant of supply. The other is a substitute-in-production. An increase in the price of one complement good causes an increase in supply for the other.

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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time touring the new suburban shopping complex trying to buy either a small palm tree that will fit on your coffee table or several magazines on fashion design. Be on the lookout for attractive cable television service repair people.
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The first "Black Friday" on record, a friday marked by a major financial catastrophe, occurred on September 24, 1869 -- A FRIDAY -- when an attempted cornering of the gold market induced a financial crises and economy-wide depression.
"In a time of drastic change, it is the learners who inherit the future. "

-- Eric Hoffer, philosopher

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