KEYNES, JOHN MAYNARD: A British economist (born--1883, died--1946) who is most noted for his work The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money, published 1936. The The General Theory revolutionized economic theory of the day, forming the foundation of Keynesian economics and creating the modern study of macroeconomics. Keynes was a well-known and highly respected economist prior to publication of The General Theory, however, this revolutionary work guaranteed Keynes a place as one of the most influential economists of all time.
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ACCOUNTING PROFIT The difference between the revenue received by a firm and the explicit accounting cost incurred. This is the profit listed on a firm's balance sheet, appears periodically in the financial sector of the newspaper, and is reported to the Internal Revenue Service for tax purposes. While accounting profit is the "standard" designation of profit used in the business world, economists prefer to use economic profit
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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time touring the new suburban shopping complex trying to buy either a T-shirt commemorating the 2000 Olympics or a genuine fake plastic Tiffany lamp. Be on the lookout for crowded shopping malls. Your Complete Scope
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The 1909 Lincoln penny was the first U.S. coin with the likeness of a U.S. President.
"An idea is never given to you without you being given the power to make it reality." -- Richard Bach, Author
OECD Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
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