September 19, 2024 

AmosWEB means Economics with a Touch of Whimsy!

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ABSTRACTION: Simplifying the complexities of the real world by ignoring (hopefully) unimportant details while doing economic analysis. Abstraction is often criticized because it's, well, it's JUST NOT REALISTIC. However, when done correctly (ignoring things that JUST DON'T MATTER), then the pursuit of knowledge is greatly enhanced by abstraction. For example, when travelling cross country along a high-speed interstate highway, a paper road map is a handy tool. It shows towns and cities along the way, the major intersections, rest stop locations, and other important points of interest. However, it ignores unimportant details. It doesn't realistically show the location of every tree, bush, or blade of grass. Why bother? This information won't enhance your road trip.

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REGULATION: Government rules or laws that control the activities of businesses and consumers. The motivation for regulation is that businesses are inclined to do things that are harmful to the public--actions which need to be prevented or otherwise controlled. Regulation is essentially an extension of government's authority to protect one member of society from another. It tends to take one of two forms--(1) industry regulation that's intended to prevent firms from gaining and abusing excessive market control and (2) social regulation that seeks to protect consumers for problems caused by pollution, unsafe products, and the lack of information (market failure).

     See also | government | government functions | public sector | public goods | regulatory policy | second estate | industry regulation | social regulation | market control | pollution | market failure | information | antitrust laws | taxes | price ceiling | price floor | regulation, capture theory | deregulation |

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REGULATION, AmosWEB GLOSS*arama,, AmosWEB LLC, 2000-2024. [Accessed: September 19, 2024].

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The narrow-range monetary aggregate for the U.S. economy containing the combination of currency (and coins) issued by government and held by the nonbank public and checkable deposits issued by banking institutions. M1 contains the two items that function as THE medium of exchange for the U.S. economy. M1 is one of three monetary aggregates tracked and reported by the Federal Reserve System. The other two are designated M2 and M3.

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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time flipping through the yellow pages wanting to buy either a wall poster commemorating the first day of spring or a lazy Susan for you dining room table. Be on the lookout for rusty deck screws.
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Lombard Street is London's equivalent of New York's Wall Street.
"No amount of business school training or work experience can teach what is ultimately a matter of personal character. "

-- Truett Cathy, Chick-fil-A Inc. founder

Journal of Public Economics
A PEDestrian's Guide
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