January 23, 2025 

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ADJUSTMENT, SHORT-RUN AGGREGATE MARKET: Disequilibrium in the short-run aggregate market induces changes in the price level that restore equilibrium. If the price level is above the short-run equilibrium price level, economy-wide product market surpluses cause the price level to fall. If the price level is below the short-run equilibrium price level, economy-wide product market shortages cause the price level to rise. In both cases short-run equilibrium is restored. You might want to compare adjustment, long-run aggregate market. Price level changes induce changes in both aggregate expenditures and real production. Unlike the long-run aggregate market, changes in the price level can induce changes in short-run aggregate supply, making it greater or less than full-employment real production.

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GOVERNMENT: A political body exercising control and authority over a group of individuals. Governments allocate resources based on laws and the command of the government.

     See also | government functions | government sector | good types | public choice | fifth rule of imperfection |

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GOVERNMENT, AmosWEB GLOSS*arama,, AmosWEB LLC, 2000-2025. [Accessed: January 23, 2025].

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A simultaneous increase in the willingness and ability of buyers to purchase a good at the existing price, illustrated by a rightward shift of the demand curve, and an increase in the willingness and ability of sellers to sell a good at the existing price, illustrated by a rightward shift of the supply curve. When combined, both shifts result in an increase in equilibrium quantity and an indeterminant change in equilibrium price.

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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time searching for a specialty store trying to buy either a toaster oven that has convection cooking or a birthday gift for your mother. Be on the lookout for celebrities who speak directly to you through your television.
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Sixty percent of big-firm executives said the cover letter is as important or more important than the resume itself when you're looking for a new job
"Lead the life that will make you kindly and friendly to everyone about you, and you will be surprised what a happy life you will lead."

-- Charles M. Schwab

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