RECOGNITION LAG: In the context of economic policies, the time between a shock to the economy and realization that the shock has occurred. This is one of several policy lags that limit the effectiveness of stabilization policies designed to correct business-cycle fluctuations. This is also one of two inside lags. The other is an implementation lag. Also termed identification lag, the recognition lag emerges due to the time needed to measure economic activity. While the lag is generally positive, it actually can be negative through accurate forecasting techniques. When negative policies can be undertaken to correct a problem before it occurs.
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GOVERNMENT SECURITIES: Financial instruments used by the federal government to borrow money. Government securities are issued by the U.S. Treasury to cover the federal government's budget deficit. Much like consumers who borrow money from banks to finance the purchase of a house or car, the federal government borrows money to finance some of its expenditures. These securities include small denomination ($25, $50, or $100), nonnegotiable Series EE savings bonds purchased by consumers. The really serious money, however, is borrowed using larger denomination securities ($100,000 or more) purchased by banks, corporations, foreign governments, and others with large sums of money to lend. See also | government borrowing | government sector | budget deficit | Treasury bill | Treasury note | Treasury bond | government debt | open market operations | bank | corporation | money creation | risk |  Recommended Citation:GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, AmosWEB GLOSS*arama, http://www.AmosWEB.com, AmosWEB LLC, 2000-2025. [Accessed: February 11, 2025].
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TAXATION BASICS Taxes are mandatory payments from members of society to governments. The total tax revenue collected from a specific tax can be identified as the product of the tax rate times the tax base. The tax base can be specified as either a physical quantity or monetary value, giving rise to two types of tax per unit tax (quantity) and ad valorem tax (value). In some cases it is useful to specify a tax rate as an average tax rate and in other cases as a marginal tax rate.
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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time at an auction looking to buy either super soft, super cuddly, stuffed animals or a large stuffed brown and white teddy bear. Be on the lookout for empty parking spaces that appear to be near the entrance to a store. Your Complete Scope
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The first U.S. fire insurance company was established by Benjamin Franklin in 1752 in Philadelphia.
"I can feel guilty about the past, apprehensive about the future, but only in the present can I act." -- Abraham Maslow, Psychologist
AACT American Assocation of Commodity Traders
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