September 10, 2024 

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HOMOGENEOUS PRODUCT: Goods that are either physically identical or at least viewed as identical by buyers. In particular, the producer of a product can not be identified from the product itself. This is a key assumption underlying the perfect competition market structure, and like other assumptions is only approximated in the real world. Agricultural products, metals, and energy goods come as close as any in the real world.

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STAGFLATION: High inflation rates at the same time the economy has high unemployment rates. Throughout much of the economic history of the good old U. S. of A., we've seen a tradeoff between inflation and unemployment. During an expansion, inflation is usually higher and unemployment is lower. The opposite has tended to occur during a recession. In the 1970s, however, inflation worsened at the same time the economy dropped into a recession. This led economists not only to coin the term stagflation (stagnation + inflation), but also to reevaluate the existing explanation of how the economy works.

     See also | inflation rate | unemployment rate | contraction | inflation | unemployment | misery index |

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STAGFLATION, AmosWEB GLOSS*arama,, AmosWEB LLC, 2000-2024. [Accessed: September 10, 2024].

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Simplifying the complexities of the real world by ignoring (hopefully) unimportant details while doing economic analysis. Abstraction is an essential feature of the scientific method. Hypothesis verification, model construction, and comparative static analysis are not possible without abstraction.

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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time visiting every yard sale in a 30-mile radius wanting to buy either a birthday greeting card for your grandfather or a weathervane with a cow on top. Be on the lookout for poorly written technical manuals.
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Francis Bacon (1561-1626), a champion of the scientific method, died when he caught a severe cold while attempting to preserve a chicken by filling it with snow.
"Life is a promise; fulfill it. "

-- Mother Teresa, humanitarian

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A PEDestrian's Guide
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