DEATH RATE: The number of people dying per 1,000 population. The death rate is compared with the birth rate to indicate the natural population growth of a country. (Net migration is also needed in the calculation of the final, overall, actual growth of population.) The death rate most frequently comes up in economic development discussions of less developed countries and their progress (or lack thereof) through the demographic transition.
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LAISSEZ FAIRE The notion that government should not intervene into production, consumption, and exchange activities and that the private sector (households and businesses) should be free to make allocation decisions. Laissez faire is a French term that roughly translates into "allow to act." It has been the rallying cry for many people (primarily business leaders) who oppose government intervention, regulation, or even taxation since it was popularized in the late 1700s by Adam Smith in The Wealth of Nations.
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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time calling an endless list of 800 numbers looking to buy either a lighted magnifying glass or a small, foam rubber football. Be on the lookout for high interest rates. Your Complete Scope
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A scripophilist is one who collects rare stock and bond certificates, usually from extinct companies.
"An idea is never given to you without you being given the power to make it reality." -- Richard Bach, Author
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