January 25, 2025 

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SAVING: The after-tax disposable income of the household sector that is not used for consumption expenditures. In general terms, saving is the use of income to purchase legal claims through financial markets rather than the direct purchase of physical goods and services. In the macroeconomic world modeled by the circular flow, saving is the diversion of household income away from consumption and into the financial markets. In this model, saving is a primary source of funds used for business investment expenditures for capital goods. Saving is also used to finance government expenditures.

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CONTRIBUTIVE STANDARD: One of three basic income distribution standards (the other two are equality standard and needs standard). The contributive standard distributes income based on a person's contribution to production. This standard answers the For Whom? question of allocation primarily through the use of prices and markets. The resources used to produce goods that more highly valued society (meaning they better satisfy unlimited wants and needs) command higher prices and thus generate more income to their owners. An actor, for example, who can attract millions of adoring. $7-a-ticket fans to one performance of an action-packed, blockbuster movie produces a good that is more highly valued by society than a philosophy professor who spends all semester teaching a handful of reluctant, $100-a-credit-hour students the finer details of existentialism.

     See also | income distribution | income | distribution standards | needs standard | equality standard | three questions of allocation | efficiency | incentive | value | marginal productivity theory | For Whom? |

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CONTRIBUTIVE STANDARD, AmosWEB GLOSS*arama,, AmosWEB LLC, 2000-2025. [Accessed: January 25, 2025].

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A table or chart that represents the relation between saving by the household sector and income. A saving schedule is commonly used for a basic, instructional presentation of aggregate saving activity by the household sector and is also used as a source of numbers for deriving the saving line. The key measures derived from the saving-income relation in the schedule are average propensity to save and marginal propensity to save. The consumption schedule is comparable, and more important, table for the relation between consumption and income.

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