September 7, 2024 

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VERY SHORT RUN, MICROECONOMICS: A production period of time in which at all inputs in the production process are fixed, meaning the quantity of output itself is fixed. Also termed market period, the very short run exists if the period is so short that no additional production is possible. In other words, the good has been produced, all that remains is to sell it. This is one of four production time periods used in the study of microeconomics. The other three are short run, long run, and very long run.

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MERIT GOOD: A good that society, usually government, deems is undervalued by consumers in normal market exchanges. As such, governments typically promote the consumption of merit goods through policies such as price subsidies or direct government provision. Merit goods are often quasi-public goods or have externality by-products. Examples include education and health care. The counter type of good is a demerit good.

     See also | good | good types | externalities | near-public good | quasi-public good | by-product | government functions | demerit good | voluntary exchange |

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MERIT GOOD, AmosWEB GLOSS*arama,, AmosWEB LLC, 2000-2024. [Accessed: September 7, 2024].

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Taxes and transfer payments that depend on the level of aggregate production and income such that they automatically dampen business-cycle instability without the need for discretionary policy action. Automatic stabilizers are a form of nondiscretionary fiscal policy that do not require explicit action by the government sector to address the ups and downs of the business cycle and the problems of unemployment and inflation.

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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time at a crowded estate auction seeking to buy either a large green chalkboard shaped like the state of Maine or a replacement battery for your pocket calculator. Be on the lookout for cardboard boxes.
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Helping spur the U.S. industrial revolution, Thomas Edison patented nearly 1300 inventions, 300 of which came out of his Menlo Park "invention factory" during a four-year period.
"In a time of drastic change, it is the learners who inherit the future. "

-- Eric Hoffer, philosopher

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