January 20, 2025 

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MARKET FAILURES: Conditions in which a market does not efficiently allocate resources to achieve the greatest possible consumer satisfaction. The four main market failures are--(1) public good, (2) market control, (3) externality, and (4) imperfect information. In each case, a market acting without any government imposed direction, does not direct an efficient amount of our resources into the production, distribution, or consumption of the good.

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PRICE STABILITY: The condition in which the average price level in the economy does not change or changes very slowly. This is a key part of the macroeconomic goal of stability (the other two are full employment and growth). Price stability is commonly indicated by the inflation rate, calculated as percentage changes in either the Consumer Price Index (CPI) or the GDP price deflator. However, price stability is more generally the ABSENCE of large or rapid increases or decreases in the price level.

     See also | economic goals | macro goals | stability | full employment | growth | inflation | inflation rate | Consumer Price Index | GDP price deflator | price level |

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PRICE STABILITY, AmosWEB GLOSS*arama,, AmosWEB LLC, 2000-2025. [Accessed: January 20, 2025].

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The revenue received for selling a good per unit of output sold, found by dividing total revenue by the quantity of output. Average revenue often goes by a simpler and more widely used term... price. Using the longer term average revenue rather than price provides a connection to other related terms, especially total revenue and marginal revenue. When compared with average cost, average revenue indicates the amount of profit generated per unit of output produced. Average revenue is often depicted by an average revenue curve.

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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time browsing about a thrift store seeking to buy either a desktop calendar with all federal and state holidays highlighted or a half-dozen helium filled balloons. Be on the lookout for pencil sharpeners with an attitude.
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One of the largest markets for gold in the United States is the manufacturing of class rings.
"Act well at the moment, and you have performed a good action for all eternity."

-- Johann Kaspar Lavater

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