January 23, 2025 

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HEDONIC PRICING MODEL: A statistical model used to identify factors or influences on the price of good based on the notion that price is based on both intrinsic characteristic and external factors. The hedonic pricing model is most commonly used in the housing market in which the price of housing is based on the physical characteristics of the house (size, appearance, features) and the surrounding neighborhood (accessibility to schools and shopping, quality of other houses, availability of public services). Estimating hedonic prices makes it possible to identify the extent to which specific factors affect the price.

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A support committee of the Federal Reserve System that provides advice and input to the Federal Reserve Board of Governors on matters dealing with thrift institutions (savings and loan associations, credit unions, and mutual savings banks). The Thrift Institutions Advisory Council (TIAC) is comprised of 12 members, each serving for 2 years, who represent the interests of savings and loan associations, credit unions, and mutual savings banks. The TIAC is one of three Federal Reserve Board advisory committees. The other two are Federal Advisory Council and Consumer Advisory Council.
The Thrift Institutions Advisory Council (TIAC) is an advisory council that was established in 1980 when the Federal Reserve System extended regulatory oversight to thrift institutions (savings and loan associations, credit unions, and mutual savings banks). The Thrift Institutions Advisory Council contains 12 members, each serving for 2 years and appointed directly by the Board of Governors, who represent the interests of savings and loan associations, credit unions, and mutual savings banks.

The Thrift Institutions Advisory Council is designed to provide the Federal Reserve Board with advice and feedback in its role as a regulator of thrift institutions. In 1980, the Monetary Control Act extended regulatory oversight of thrift institutions to the Federal Reserve Board of Governors. To assist in these new duties, the Board created the TIAC for feedback from representatives of thrift institutions. The council meets with the Federal Reserve Board 3 times a year to discuss the special needs and concerns of thrift institutions.

Two additional advisory councils provide the Federal Reserve Board with advice and feedback on Federal Reserve activity--Federal Advisory Council and Consumer Advisory Council.

  • Federal Advisory Council: This council is comprised of 12 members, one from each of the 12 Federal Reserve Districts. A council member, typically a commercial bank president operating in the district, is appointed by the Federal Reserve District Bank and serves three one-year terms. The Federal Advisory Council (FAC) meets with the Federal Reserve Board at least four times a year, generally the first Friday in February, May, September, and December, to discuss any and all issues relevant to the Federal Reserve System.

  • Consumer Advisory Council: Advice on credit consumer protection activities of the Federal Reserve Board is offered by this council of 30 members. The Consumer Advisory Council (CAC) was established in 1976 and contains members who represent consumers and financial groups, including both academicians and legal specialists with knowledge of consumer affairs. Members serve staggered 3 year terms. The council meets with the Federal Reserve Board three times a year


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THRIFT INSTITUTIONS ADVISORY COUNCIL, AmosWEB Encyclonomic WEB*pedia,, AmosWEB LLC, 2000-2025. [Accessed: January 23, 2025].

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