September 20, 2024 

AmosWEB means Economics with a Touch of Whimsy!

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WANTS AND NEEDS: These are the unfulfilled desires that motivate human behavior and that when satisfied improve human well-being. They include both physiological or biological requirements for maintaining life (needs) and the psychological desires which make life more enjoyable (wants). However, when push comes to shove, and the nitty gets down to the gritty, it matters very little to markets if people need goods or want goods, so long as they are motivated to buy the goods to satisfy wants and needs.

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ECONOMIC SCIENCE: The application of the scientific method to economic phenomena. In other words, economists develop theories, test hypotheses, and seek to explain things like prices, unemployment rates, monopolize markets, business cycles, market shortages, and virtually everything else that might be considered economic "stuff." However, economic science is also directed toward phenomenon that might NOT be considered economics, including voting, crime, and leisure. The key element, however, is that all of these, and many more, phenomena related to the fundamental problem of scarcity in one way or the other.

     See also | scientific method | social science | science | scarcity | price | unemployment rate | monopoly |

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ECONOMIC SCIENCE, AmosWEB GLOSS*arama,, AmosWEB LLC, 2000-2024. [Accessed: September 20, 2024].

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A measure of the average of a group of prices calculated as a ratio to prices in a given time period (that is, a base year). A price index is primarily used to compare relative prices, or changes in the group prices over time. Such an index is a handy indicator of overall price trends. Two common price indexes that surface in the study of macroeconomics are the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and the GDP price deflator. Both are used to indicate the macroeconomy's average price level and to estimate the inflation rate. The Dow Jones Industrial Average (the Dow), Standard & Poor's 500, and the NASDAQ are well-known indexes of stock market prices.

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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time browsing through a long list of dot com websites looking to buy either a set of steel-belted radial snow tires or a wall poster commemorating the 2000 Presidential election. Be on the lookout for crowded shopping malls.
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"Man is born to live, not to prepare for life. "

-- Boris Pasternak, writer

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