SCAB: Someone who starts working or continues to work for a firm while a labor union is engaged in a strike of the firm. Scab is common term used by union members for the more polite name strikebreaker. Striking union members are more inclined to use even more derogatory terms. Such workers are used by employers to force union members to stop their strike and return to work. While strikers don't like it, labor laws guarantee that nonstriking workers can cross the picket line and go to work.
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LEADING ECONOMIC INDICATORS Ten economic statistics that tend to move up or down a few months BEFORE business-cycle expansions and contractions. Most importantly, these measures indicate peak and trough turning points about three to twelve months before they occur. Leading economic indicators are one of three groups of economic measures used to track business-cycle activity. The other two are coincident economic indicators and lagging economic indicators.
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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time at an auction seeking to buy either a bookshelf that will fit in your closet or a birthday greeting card for your grandfather. Be on the lookout for slightly overweight pizza delivery guys. Your Complete Scope
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The standard "debt" notation I.O.U. does not mean "I owe you," but actually stands for "I owe unto..."
"All things are difficult before they are easy." -- Thomas Fuller, Physician
ACIR Advisory Council on Intergovernmental Relations
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