September 10, 2024 

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ACCESSIBILITY: The location of economic activity (especially in terms of land) relative to other activities. As real estate agents are prone to say, "The three most important factors in real estate are 'location, location, location.'" Accessibility determines how easy or difficult (read this as costly) it is to allocate good, services, and resources. Transportation is a key factor in accessibility. Efficient, low cost transportation systems improve accessibility.

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SECOND-DEGREE PRICE DISCRIMINATION: A form of price discrimination in which a seller charges the different prices for different quantities of a good. This also goes by the name block pricing. This is possible because the different quantities are purchased by different types of buyers with different demand elasticities. This is one of three price discrimination degrees. The others are first-degree price discrimination and third-degree price discrimination.

     See also | price discrimination | market control | first-degree price discrimination | third-degree price discrimination | demand price | monopoly | price elasticity of demand |

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SECOND-DEGREE PRICE DISCRIMINATION, AmosWEB GLOSS*arama,, AmosWEB LLC, 2000-2024. [Accessed: September 10, 2024].

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A macroeconomic model based on the principles of Keynesian economics that is used to identify the equilibrium level of, and analyze disruptions to, aggregate production and income. This model identifies equilibrium aggregate production and income as the intersection of the aggregate expenditures line and the 45-degree line. The Keynesian model comes in three basic variations designated by the number of macroeconomic sectors included--two-sector, three-sector, and four sector. The Keynesian model is also commonly presented in the form of injections and leakages in addition to the standard aggregate expenditures format. This model is used to analyze several important topics and issues, including multipliers, business cycles, fiscal policy, and monetary policy.

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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time searching the newspaper want ads wanting to buy either a weathervane with a horse on top or a case of blank recordable DVDs. Be on the lookout for letters from the Internal Revenue Service.
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The wealthy industrialist, Andrew Carnegie, was once removed from a London tram because he lacked the money needed for the fare.
"Life is a promise; fulfill it. "

-- Mother Teresa, humanitarian

Chicago Mercantile Exchange
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