VALUE-ADDED TAX: A tax on the extra value added during each stage in the production of a good. Most of the stuff our economy produces goes through several "stages," usually with different businesses. In each stage, resources do their thing to the good to make it a little more valuable. For example, an ice cream store can take 50 cents worth of ice cream, fudge, and whipped topping and turn it into a hot fudge sundae that's valued at $1.50. The efforts of the ice cream resources thus add $1 in value. A value-added tax is based on this extra value. While it's been debated off and on in the United States, a value-added tax is commonly used in Europe.
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                           REFERENCE WEEK, CURRENT POPULATION SURVEY: The calendar week (Sunday through Saturday) containing the 12th day of the month, which is used in the Current Population Survey (CPS) as the time period for documenting the employment and labor force status of respondents. The estimation of the unemployment rate and other employment information generated by the CPS are based on activities of survey respondents during this week. The actual survey is conducted by interviewers working for the Bureau of the Census during the calendar week containing the 19th day, which is termed the survey week. In essence, about 1,500 census survey takers set forth bright and early Sunday morning during the survey week to canvas the country side. Over the course of the next seven days, each survey taker conducts a relatively detailed interview with the occupants of about 40 households. The questions that are posed to the occupants inquire about their activities during the previous week, which is the reference week.A complete week is used as the reference period (rather than a month or a day) because a week is long enough to exclude holidays and erratic, random, one-time aberrations, but short enough to give current employment status. It is also an easily defined time period. The survey week immediately follows the reference week to ensure that respondents have an accurate recollection of their employment status. Should too much time pass between the survey week and the reference week, respondents might understandably forget what they did. The reference week always includes the 12th day of the month to maintain consistency, to provide equal reporting periods, and to avoid monthly aberrations. Changing the reference week from month to month, would, at the very least, provide an inconsistent reporting period.
 Recommended Citation:REFERENCE WEEK, CURRENT POPULATION SURVEY, AmosWEB Encyclonomic WEB*pedia, http://www.AmosWEB.com, AmosWEB LLC, 2000-2025. [Accessed: February 15, 2025]. Check Out These Related Terms... | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Or For A Little Background... | | | | | | | | | | | And For Further Study... | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Related Websites (Will Open in New Window)... | | | |
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