REVALUATION: The act of increasing the price (exchange rate) of one nation's currency in terms of other currencies. This is done by the government if it wants to raise the price of the country's exports and lower the price of foreign imports. This is an appropriate action if the country is running an undesired trade surplus with other countries. The procedure for revaluation is for the government to buy the nation's currency and/or sell foreign currencies through the foreign exchange market.
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OTHER PRICES, DEMAND DETERMINANT The prices of other goods that influence the decision to purchase a particular good, which are assumed constant when a demand curve is constructed. Other prices can be for goods that are either substitutes-in-consumption or complements-in-consumption. This is one of five demand determinants that shift the demand curve when they change. The other four are other prices, buyers' preferences, buyers' expectations, and number of buyers.
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Playing The STOCK MARKET The hazards of being a pedestrian are many. Of course we have a good chance of crossing paths with a rabid bengal tiger that has highjacked a street cleaner and intends to whitewash every pair of jogging shoes encountered. Or a throng of overzealous religious fanatics might try to slip fresh flowers into our hands and literature into our pockets. And especially when we amble through the financial district, we might be crushed by falling stock market investors who have mistakenly BOUGHT HIGH and SOLD LOW. While the actions of the bengal tiger and overzealous religious fanatics might be understandable, what's so almighty important about the stock market that would make investors place the well-being of innocent pedestrians in jeopardy?
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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time at a dollar discount store looking to buy either a black duffle bag with velcro closures or any book written by Isaac Asimov. Be on the lookout for telephone calls from former employers. Your Complete Scope
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Okun's Law posits that the unemployment rate increases by 1% for every 2% gap between real GDP and full-employment real GDP.
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." -- Mark Twain
BIS Bank for International Settlements
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