January 25, 2025 

AmosWEB means Economics with a Touch of Whimsy!

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SHORT-RUN AGGREGATE MARKET: A macroeconomic model relating the price level and real production under the assumption that SOME prices inflexible, especially resource prices. The short-run aggregate market isolates the interaction between aggregate demand and short-run aggregate supply. The key assumption of this model is that SOME prices, especially resource prices, are flexible. The primary result of this model is that the economy can achieve short-run equilibrium at real production that is either greater than or less than full-employment.

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There are 36 websites in the ECON*world starting with the letter B.

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The difference between demand price and supply price that is created when a tax is imposed on a market. Placing a tax on a market disrupts what otherwise would be an equilibrium equality between demand price and supply price. A tax wedge results because the tax is included in the demand price paid by buyers but not in the supply price received by sellers. With standard demand (negative slope) and supply (positive slope) curves, the incidence of the tax (who pays) is divided between buyers and sellers.

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Our extended sojourn through the winding complexities of the economy has worn the soles from my jogging shoes. For the best bargain on a new pair, let's consult those annoying flyers stuffed into the Sunday newspaper. We're in luck. The Mega-Mart Discount Warehouse Super Center is having their monthly "once in a lifetime" sale on jogging shoes. Without this Mega-Mart Discount Warehouse Super Center advertising supplement, I might have unknowingly paid a higher price for my brand new Fleet Feet Footwear jogging shoes. Isn't advertising wonderful?
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Visit the PEDestrian's Guide


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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time searching for a specialty store wanting to buy either a birthday gift for your mother or a weathervane with a horse on top. Be on the lookout for pencil sharpeners with an attitude.
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Sixty percent of big-firm executives said the cover letter is as important or more important than the resume itself when you're looking for a new job
"The creative is the place where no one else has ever been. the You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into wilderness of your intuition. What you'll discover will be wonderful. What you'll discover will be yourself."

-- Alan Alda, Actor

American Farm Economic Association
A PEDestrian's Guide
Xtra Credit
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