January 24, 2025 

AmosWEB means Economics with a Touch of Whimsy!

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DEMAND DEPOSIT: A bank deposit that can be withdraw "on demand." This is a once common, but increasingly dated term meaning checking account deposits, checkable deposits, or transactions deposits. To the extent that demand deposits is the term used to mean checkable deposits, they are an important part of the M1 money supply. The term "demand" was used to distinguish checkable deposits from savings deposits in which accessed could be delayed for a period of "time," and not on "demand." Hence the complementary term for savings deposits is time deposits.

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There are 11 websites in the ECON*world starting with the letter K.

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Government purchases by the government sector that do not depend on income or production (especially national income or gross domestic product). That is, changes in income do not generate changes in government purchases. Autonomous government purchases are best thought of as government purchases that the government sector undertake independent of income. They are measured by the intercept term of the government purchases line. The alternative to autonomous government purchases is induced government purchases, which do depend on income.

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This may be the greatest day of my life. The musical group to top all musical groups -- The Strollers -- has just released its latest CD with a song that's certain to be a foot-tapping classical. Of course, you know the song of which I speak -- "Sidewalking." Let's stop into the Musical Sound CD Emporium in the Shady Valley Central Town Sprawling Hills Shopping Mall and fulfill my dreams. Everyone in Shady Valley, however, does not share my joy. As the seventeen year old Emporium clerk, Alicia Hyfield, completes my transaction, she confesses more than a bit of disgruntlement over here just-issued paycheck. A little investigation reveals some displeasure with the size of the FICA deduction. Her disgruntlement isn't lessened to know that this is for the government's social security program that's suppose to provide a source of income in her golden years. She seems more than a bit skeptical of ever seeing any returns. Maybe we can alleviate her concerns (and mine) with a quick run through social security.
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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time flipping through the yellow pages looking to buy either a rechargeable flashlight or storage boxes for your computer software CDs. Be on the lookout for cardboard boxes.
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The penny is the only coin minted by the U.S. government in which the "face" on the head looks to the right. All others face left.
"Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine."

-- Anthony J. D'Angelo

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