BUYER'S REMORSE: The post purchase behavior a consumer experiences when one has doubts as to whether the purchase decision was correct or not. This is a possible step five in the decision making process (post-purchase behavior). It can be overcome by effective decision making upfront on the part of the consumer. The seller can help eliminate this by making follow-up calls or visits to reinforce the correctness of the decision on the part of a buyer.
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MAJORITY RULE: A voting rule in which decisions are made based on the majority of those casting a vote. That is, the candidate or program receiving the majority of the votes is the winner. The majority is defined as one vote more than fifty percent of the total number of votes cast. If 100 votes are cast, the majority is 51 votes. If 100 million votes are cast, the majority is 50 million and one (50,000,001). This is perhaps the most common of several voting rules. Others include super majority, unanimity, and plurality. See also | public choice | super majority rule | unanimity rule | plurality rule | voter paradox | principle of the median voter | logrolling | explicit logrolling | implicit logrolling | Tiebout hypothesis | principal-agent problem | Recommended Citation:MAJORITY RULE, AmosWEB GLOSS*arama, http://www.AmosWEB.com, AmosWEB LLC, 2000-2025. [Accessed: January 20, 2025].
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SAVING LINE A graphical depiction of the relation between household sector saving and income. The saving line is closely related to the consumption line that forms one of the key building blocks for Keynesian economics. A saving line is characterized by vertical intercept, which indicates autonomous saving, and slope, which is the marginal propensity to save and indicates induced saving. The injections-leakages model used in Keynesian economics is based on the saving line.
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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time surfing the Internet looking to buy either a remote controlled World War I bi-plane or a wall poster commemorating Thor Heyerdahl's Pacific crossing aboard the Kon-Tiki. Be on the lookout for deranged pelicans. Your Complete Scope
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Woodrow Wilson's portrait adorned the $100,000 bill that was removed from circulation in 1929. Woodrow Wilson was removed from circulation in 1924.
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