January 14, 2025 

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VOTING PARADOX: The observation that voting by a relatively small group of people might generate a intransitive or inconsistent ranking of three or more alternatives, creating a paradox of rankings. The preferences of rational individuals are generally assumed to transitive and consistent, that is, if a person prefers A to B and B to C, then the person also prefers A to C. However, the preferences of group of voters might not be consistent. That is, as a group, voters might prefer A to B and B to C, but then prefer C to A. This is not only paradoxical and confusing, it also can be inefficient.

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The general supply relation in which relatively small changes in price cause relatively large changes in quantity supplied. Small changes in price cause relatively large changes in quantity supplied or the percentage change in quantity supplied is larger than the percentage change in price. This characterization of elasticity is most important for the price elasticity of supply. Elastic supply is one of two general elasticity relations for supply. The other is inelastic supply.
An elastic supply relation is a very responsive, or stretchable, relation. The elastic relation is most often directed toward supply in terms of the price elasticity of supply. In this context, supply is said to be elastic if the percentage change in quantity is larger than the percentage change in price. This means that sellers are responsive to price changes.

An elastic supply relation can fall into one of two categories--perfectly elastic and relatively elastic.

  • Perfectly Elastic: Perfectly elastic means an infinitesimally small change in price results in an infinitely large change in quantity supplied. This elasticity alternative exists when the price is fixed, that is, an infinite range of quantities is associated with the same price. This is the extreme, limiting case of elastic. Perfectly elastic supply can occur, in theory, when producers are able to switch resources among a large number of perfect substitutes-in-production.

  • Relatively Elastic: Relatively elastic means that relatively small changes in price cause relatively large changes in quantity. Quantity is very responsive to price, but not infinitely so. The percentage change in quantity supplied is greater than the percentage change in price. Relatively elastic supply occurs when producers are able to switch resources among a large number of close but not perfect substitutes-in-production.


Recommended Citation:

ELASTIC SUPPLY, AmosWEB Encyclonomic WEB*pedia,, AmosWEB LLC, 2000-2025. [Accessed: January 14, 2025].

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     | elasticity | coefficient of elasticity | price elasticity of supply | supply | law of supply | supply curve | substitute-in-production |

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     | elasticity and demand slope | elasticity and supply intercept | demand elasticity and total expenditure | income elasticity of demand | cross elasticity of demand | elasticity determinants |

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