January 15, 2025 

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AMEX: The common abbreviation for the American Stock Exchange, which is one of three national stock markets in the United States (see National Association of Securities Dealers and New York Stock Exchange) that trade ownership shares in corporations. In terms of daily stock transactions and the number of stocks listed, the American Stock Exchange is the smallest of these three. However, it's composite index of stock prices -- AMEX is considered important enough to be flashed briefly on the nightly news.

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CONSUMER PRICE INDEX FOR ALL URBAN CONSUMERS: This is the official name and designation for the Consumer Price Index that's commonly reported in the media. It is officially abbreviated CPI-U. Because it is THE standard, it usually goes by the shorted abbreviation CPI. The CPI-U was introduced in 1978 by the Bureau of Labor Statistics to address some of the deficiencies in the existing consumer price index, which now has the designation of CPI-W. In particular, the newer CPI-U includes the prices of goods and services purchased by about 80% of the non-institutionalized population while the older CPI-W includes about only 32 percent (see ).

     See also | Consumer Price Index | price level | index | consumer | Bureau of Labor Statistics | inflation | nominal | real | wage | income | Social Security | GDP price deflator | Producer Price Index | Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers | civilian labor force |

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CONSUMER PRICE INDEX FOR ALL URBAN CONSUMERS, AmosWEB GLOSS*arama,, AmosWEB LLC, 2000-2025. [Accessed: January 15, 2025].

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Additional information on this term can be found at:

WEB*pedia: Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers

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Disruptions of the equilibrium in the aggregate market (or AS-AD model) caused by shifts of the aggregate demand, short-run aggregate supply, or long-run aggregate supply curves. Shocks of the aggregate market are associated with, and thus used to analyze, assorted macroeconomic phenomena such as business cycles, unemployment, inflation, stabilization policies, and economic growth. The specific analysis of aggregate market shocks identifies changes in the price level (GDP price deflator) and real production (real GDP). Changes in the price level and real production have direct implications for the unemployment rate, the inflation rate, national income, and a host of other macroeconomic measures.

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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time watching the shopping channel wanting to buy either any book written by Isaac Asimov or a how-to book on building remote controlled airplanes. Be on the lookout for poorly written technical manuals.
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On a typical day, the United States Mint produces over $1 million worth of dimes.
"My philosophy of life is that if we make up our mind what we are going to make of our lives, then work hard toward that goal, we never lose - somehow we win out."

-- President Ronald Reagan

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