SLOPE, NET EXPORTS LINE: The negative slope of the net exports line is based on the marginal propensity to import (MPM). Because net exports are exports minus imports, the induced change in imports causes an opposite change in net exports. As such, the slope of the net exports line is negative, less than zero (but greater than negative one). The slope of the net exports line affects the slope of the aggregate expenditures line and thus also affects the magnitude of the multiplier process.
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AGGREGATE EXPENDITURES: The total expenditures on gross domestic product undertaken in a given time period by the four sectors -- household, business, government, and foreign. Expenditures made by each of these sectors are specifically labeled consumption expenditures, investment expenditures, government purchases, and net exports. Aggregate expenditures (AE) are a cornerstone in the study of macroeconomics, playing critical roles in Keynesian economics, aggregate market analysis, and to a lesser degree, monetarism. See also | consumption expenditures | investment expenditures | government purchases | net exports | household sector | business sector | government sector | foreign sector | aggregate demand | aggregate market | price level | real production | aggregate demand curve | macroeconomics | change in aggregate demand | change in aggregate expenditures | demand | quantity demanded | Keynesian economics |  Recommended Citation:AGGREGATE EXPENDITURES, AmosWEB GLOSS*arama, http://www.AmosWEB.com, AmosWEB LLC, 2000-2025. [Accessed: February 15, 2025]. AmosWEB Encyclonomic WEB*pedia:Additional information on this term can be found at: WEB*pedia: aggregate expenditures
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CAPITAL DEPRECIATION The wearing out, breaking down, or technological obsolescence of physical capital that results from use in the production of goods and services. To paraphrase an old saying, "You can't make a car without breaking a few socket wrenches." In other words, when capital is used over and over again to produce goods and services, it wears down from such use.
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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time wandering around the downtown area looking to buy either a New York Yankees baseball cap or several magazines on home repairs. Be on the lookout for bottles of barbeque sauce that act TOO innocent. Your Complete Scope
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It's estimated that the U.S. economy has about $20 million of counterfeit currency in circulation, less than 0.001 perecent of the total legal currency.
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