AD CURVE: The aggregate demand curve, which is a graphical representation of the relation between aggregate expenditures on real production and the price level, holding all ceteris paribus aggregate demand determinants constant. The aggregate demand, or AD, curve is one side of the graphical presentation of the aggregate market. The other side is occupied by the aggregate supply curve (which is actually two curves, the long-run aggregate supply curve and the short-run aggregate supply curve). The negative slope of the aggregate demand curve captures the inverse relation between aggregate expenditures on real production and the price level. This negative slope is attributable to the interest-rate effect, real-balance effect, and net-export effect.
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CENTRAL BANK The banking authority of a nation that is charged of ensuring a sound money supply and conducting the country's monetary policy. It is usually officially authorized by, and works closely with, the other government policy makers to achieve full employment, low inflation rates, and economic growth. The Federal Reserve System is the central bank of the United States.
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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time searching for a specialty store looking to buy either a toaster oven that has convection cooking or a birthday gift for your mother. Be on the lookout for door-to-door salesmen. Your Complete Scope
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The wealthy industrialist, Andrew Carnegie, was once removed from a London tram because he lacked the money needed for the fare.
"All things are difficult before they are easy." -- Thomas Fuller, Physician
GATT General Agreementon Tariffs and Trade
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