January 15, 2025 

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RENT SEEKING: The inclination of everyone who is alive and breathing to get as much as they can for themselves. These stems from the idea of economic rent, which is a payment over above the opportunity cost. People are said to be rent seeking when they try to get higher wages, more profit, or any other payment over above the minimum they would be willing to accept.

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ECONOMIC REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT: An annual report of the economic performance of the U.S. economy written by the Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors (CEA). It provides an overview of the nation's economic progress. A goal of the report is to provide the President with objective economic analysis and advice on the development and implementation of a wide range of domestic and international economic policy issues. The Council of Economic Advisors, the governmental body responsible for the report, was established by the Employment Act of 1946. The Economic Report of the President has been published every year since 1950.

     See also | Brookings Institution | National Bureau of Economic Research | Conference Board, The | Bureau of Economic Analysis | Bureau of Labor Statistics | Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences | Congressional Budget Office | government | employment | production | real | income | budget | labor force | Council of Economic Advisors | asymmetric information | National Bureau of Economic Research | federal deficit | Federal Reserve System | business cycle | American Economic Association | economist | political views | laissez faire | business cycles | positive economics | full employment | economic growth | economic thinking | economic analysis | economic system | mixed economy | capitalism |

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ECONOMIC REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT, AmosWEB GLOSS*arama,, AmosWEB LLC, 2000-2025. [Accessed: January 15, 2025].

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WEB*pedia: Economic Report of the President

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In terms of macroeconomic analysis, especially the aggregate market (AS-AD) analysis, a period of time in which some prices, notably wages, are rigid, inflexible, or otherwise in the process of adjusting. This is one of two macroeconomic time designations; the other is the long run. Short-run wage and price rigidity prevents some markets, especially resource markets and most notably labor markets, from achieving equilibrium. Wage and price rigidity and the resulting resource market imbalances are the source of the positively-sloped short-run aggregate supply curve.

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Today, you are likely to spend a great deal of time going from convenience store to convenience store trying to buy either a remote controlled World War I bi-plane or a wall poster commemorating Thor Heyerdahl's Pacific crossing aboard the Kon-Tiki. Be on the lookout for telephone calls from former employers.
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The first "Black Friday" on record, a friday marked by a major financial catastrophe, occurred on September 24, 1869 -- A FRIDAY -- when an attempted cornering of the gold market induced a financial crises and economy-wide depression.
"My philosophy of life is that if we make up our mind what we are going to make of our lives, then work hard toward that goal, we never lose - somehow we win out."

-- President Ronald Reagan

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